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Advice on Letters of Recommendation


As college application season comes closer, it's time to start planning out letters of recommendation requests. We want to provide some insight into who, when, and how to ask for a recommendation. As always, everyone’s schooling situation is different, so do not stress if some of these tips do not apply to you.

1. When to ask: Make sure to give your references AT LEAST one month before your earliest deadline to write their recommendations. The earlier the better. Many teachers prefer to write their recommendations during the summer so keep that in mind!

2. Who to ask: read your applications carefully! Some colleges may ask for recommendations from teachers that teach a specific subject. Many colleges want at least two recommendations from teachers and one from a counselor. In all cases, aim to ask

an adult who knows you well and will be enthusiastic about writing you a letter of recommendation.

3. How to ask: send a nicely worded email, and don’t be afraid to butter them up by telling them how much they mean to you and how great of a teacher/counselor/mentor/employer/coach they are. Include any material that might help them, such as resumes or essays you’ve written in that email. If possible, ask them face-to-face on a zoom call or in person!

That’s all for now! Be sure to continue reading our articles for more college application tips and advice from students!


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